Monday, September 19, 2016

On Problem Solving and Criminal Justice

On Monday, September 19, 2016, published & Term papers

The article summarizes the many problems in the community. There is always a lot happening in the area because the area is very poor unsafe. The rise in violence is an important factor in the increase in crime rates. There is a Santa Rita court in the community, but the court does not work. The author believes they are not his problems and want someone to solve the problems. He supports Charlie Baird because he believes Baird would solve the worst problems in the community. I think the area is very harsh and always has trouble because needy people live in poverty. Poverty causes big problems in the criminal justice system. Instead of following the easiest path - to ignore suffering in the community - the right thing to do is find small ways to make a difference whenever we can.  The problem in the community is sometimes hard for people to understand how to solve.  We can not depend on the criminal justice system all the time because the system can not do it alone.  We try to avoid away danger and seek the best way to reduce the harsh problems but sometimes solutions start with individual people. So we need someone to manage the problem of the community. It starts with us. The author picked Baird because Baird has government experience and political knowledge to change the system from within. 

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