Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The truth about Islam

The article "The truth about Islam" is posted by TexasFred for people who believe Islam is cult and are against Islam. The author tries to convince people to believe Muslims are terrorists. This is biased and it is not at all real. The author criticizes Obama because he won't talk about the negative of the radical Muslims. He thinks Muslims are evil and murderous, who kill the different infidels if people don’t have belief in Islam. I don't think the author is a fair researcher and he is not educated enough to know the variety of Muslims. Radical Islam exists but this does not mean Muslims are all terrorists. For example, Jordan and Morocco are Islamic countries and the people of these countries are not terrorists. These countries are more open, gentle and against ISIS as a violent organization. Also, they are against the extreme system of punishment. Some Muslim countries have problems with religious rules. The religious rules sometimes are very extreme. Women would be punished if they are raped or secretly date a man. Thieves would have their hands cut off if they steal. We can't judge Islamic values and should make an objective appraisal to open our eyes to many things.

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