Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Execution the death penalty

Discuss execution the death penalty is difficult. Execution the death penalty still exists in Texas, but death sentences are often. Some people support punishment for the worst crime. Other people oppose it, it as inhumane, expensive, plus the argues that there is no evidence and saves some innocent persons from executions when the death penalty is abolished.
Executing people who have committed serious criminal offenses have pros and cons. In the pros,  the most frightening thing for offenders cause people lost their life and the death penalty is more serious punishment when it comes to preventing people from lost their relatives by crimes. The death penalty can provide families of victims  to deal with their suffering. Retribution is not meant as revenge. If without the punishment , the family of the victims would not feel that justice is fair. In the cons, the death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment. Texas allows the death penalty because the united states supreme court set in 1976. However, it causes innocent persons who are not guilty because of wrong evidence. Also, poorer people maybe can be innocent because they are unable to afford the costs. The death penalty is more expensive for executing each prisoner than prisoners stay in the jail. The justice system sometimes makes mistakes. People were wrongful conviction and can be released from prison and given compensation when the death penalty are abolished. The death penalty can be good or can be bad.

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