Friday, December 16, 2016

Political Tug of War

I agree with “Political Tug of War” the government should not cut funding to support undocumented students in any campuses. The problem is those people who support with Trump and push undocumented students out of campuses. Many those students would lose their lives if Trump achieves his decision. I believe any campuses won't accept Abbott's decision and endeavor to protect those students.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Execution the death penalty

Discuss execution the death penalty is difficult. Execution the death penalty still exists in Texas, but death sentences are often. Some people support punishment for the worst crime. Other people oppose it, it as inhumane, expensive, plus the argues that there is no evidence and saves some innocent persons from executions when the death penalty is abolished.
Executing people who have committed serious criminal offenses have pros and cons. In the pros,  the most frightening thing for offenders cause people lost their life and the death penalty is more serious punishment when it comes to preventing people from lost their relatives by crimes. The death penalty can provide families of victims  to deal with their suffering. Retribution is not meant as revenge. If without the punishment , the family of the victims would not feel that justice is fair. In the cons, the death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment. Texas allows the death penalty because the united states supreme court set in 1976. However, it causes innocent persons who are not guilty because of wrong evidence. Also, poorer people maybe can be innocent because they are unable to afford the costs. The death penalty is more expensive for executing each prisoner than prisoners stay in the jail. The justice system sometimes makes mistakes. People were wrongful conviction and can be released from prison and given compensation when the death penalty are abolished. The death penalty can be good or can be bad.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I agree with “Plastic Shopping Bags Should be banned in Texas” that plastic bag should be banned because plastic can have various negative impacts on the environment. Plastic bags are responsible for suffocation deaths of woodland animals. Plastic bags are made from petroleum and inhibit soil nutrients. Plastic pollution in oceans has been shown to have a negative impact on a massive number of different species of marine life. The effect on the environment would be harsh if plastic bags are not banned. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Students will be allowed to carry weapons on campuses in Texas

In Texas, students at universities and colleges will be allowed to carry weapons on campuses soon. The law passed by the Texas legislature, allows students who are 21 years old and applying for a gun carrying license. Supporters believe that no law would stop someone walking onto campuses with a gun and would allow gun owners to carry weapons on campus to defend themselves. Opponents think a student who has mental health issues will be a danger. They fear that a bill allowing licensed gun owners to carry weapons might encourage more violence. Universities allow students to carry weapons, but no one can pledge the campuses are safe. I believe many people who are students, teachers, and parents don’t want guns on campus. For example, in 2007, a student of Virginia Tech University killed 33 people and 23 people were injured. The rise of mass shootings at universities often happen on campuses. I think weapons should be banned on campuses because allowing weapons on campus can increase danger. If someone can’t control themselves and has mental health problems the danger would be increased on campus because of potential conflict between a student and teacher or among students. A college campus should not be a battlefield.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The truth about Islam

The article "The truth about Islam" is posted by TexasFred for people who believe Islam is cult and are against Islam. The author tries to convince people to believe Muslims are terrorists. This is biased and it is not at all real. The author criticizes Obama because he won't talk about the negative of the radical Muslims. He thinks Muslims are evil and murderous, who kill the different infidels if people don’t have belief in Islam. I don't think the author is a fair researcher and he is not educated enough to know the variety of Muslims. Radical Islam exists but this does not mean Muslims are all terrorists. For example, Jordan and Morocco are Islamic countries and the people of these countries are not terrorists. These countries are more open, gentle and against ISIS as a violent organization. Also, they are against the extreme system of punishment. Some Muslim countries have problems with religious rules. The religious rules sometimes are very extreme. Women would be punished if they are raped or secretly date a man. Thieves would have their hands cut off if they steal. We can't judge Islamic values and should make an objective appraisal to open our eyes to many things.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Students need tools to fight rising college costs, limit debt

The article “Students need tools to fight rising college costs, limit debt” was written by Doug Killian. The article is for people who have families, specifically with students and they are planning to apply for FAFSA. Killian is an op-ed for the American Statesman and is Hutto ISD superintendent. His work is to service students enrolled in college. The argument is that rising college costs caused many students to have a heavy loan debt and increased the delinquency rate. Killian suggests families that fill out the FAFSA early could find college more affordable and reduce loan debt problem. Hutto ISD increased the number of students enrolled after completing the FAFSA early. According to the data of the University of Texas, 80% of students completed the FAFSA to enroll in college. Three hundred and thirty-seven Hutto families attended which increased 10% last year. In Austin, students filed the FAFSA more than 12,300 last year. Volunteers remind families to have more a chance and help them to fill out the FAFSA. The numbers are increasing more than before. I think Killian’s suggestion is a good idea. The idea is that Austin will offer opportunities and helps families to fill out the FAFSA and they could save a lot of money. If families and students obtain a benefit to earn a higher education, their financial situation would be steady after they graduate.

Monday, September 19, 2016

On Problem Solving and Criminal Justice

On Monday, September 19, 2016, published & Term papers

The article summarizes the many problems in the community. There is always a lot happening in the area because the area is very poor unsafe. The rise in violence is an important factor in the increase in crime rates. There is a Santa Rita court in the community, but the court does not work. The author believes they are not his problems and want someone to solve the problems. He supports Charlie Baird because he believes Baird would solve the worst problems in the community. I think the area is very harsh and always has trouble because needy people live in poverty. Poverty causes big problems in the criminal justice system. Instead of following the easiest path - to ignore suffering in the community - the right thing to do is find small ways to make a difference whenever we can.  The problem in the community is sometimes hard for people to understand how to solve.  We can not depend on the criminal justice system all the time because the system can not do it alone.  We try to avoid away danger and seek the best way to reduce the harsh problems but sometimes solutions start with individual people. So we need someone to manage the problem of the community. It starts with us. The author picked Baird because Baird has government experience and political knowledge to change the system from within.